List of countries of the Interreg program 2021-2027

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Partner List

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Pays of Saint-Omer Agglomeration Council

Country : France (FR)

Region : Nord-Pas de Calais (FRE1)

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Pediatric medical and rehabilitation Center Marc Sautelet

Country : France (FR)

Region : Nord-Pas de Calais (FRE1)

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Performance and Health Statistics BV

Country : Belgique/België (BE)

Region : Prov. Limburg (BE) (BE22)

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Permanent Center for Environmental Initiatives Authie and Canche Valleys

Country : France (FR)

Region : Nord-Pas de Calais (FRE1)

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Philipps University of Marburg

Country : Deutschland (DE)

Region : Gießen (DE72)

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Pro Natura operating as KiemKracht since 3.1.2023

Country : Belgique/België (BE)

Region : Prov. Vlaams-Brabant (BE24)

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Province of Antwerp

Country : Belgique/België (BE)

Region : Prov. Antwerpen (BE21)

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Province of Fryslân

Country : Nederland (NL)

Region : Friesland (NL) (NL12)

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Province of Groningen

Country : Nederland (NL)

Region : Groningen (NL11)

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Province of Limburg

Country : Nederland (NL)

Region : Limburg (NL) (NL42)

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Province of South Holland

Country : Nederland (NL)

Region : Zuid-Holland (NL33)

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Province of West-Flanders

Country : Belgique/België (BE)

Region : Prov. West-Vlaanderen (BE25)

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Public Interest Foundation CLTB

Country : Belgique/België (BE)

Region : Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/ Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest (BE10)

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Public Service of Wallonia

Country : Belgique/België (BE)

Region : Prov. Namur (BE35)

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Country : Deutschland (DE)

Region : Mittelfranken (DE25)

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