On November 4th and 5th, 2024, Croke Park in Dublin hosted the Interreg North-West Europe Annual Event, where BEPROACT was one of the spotlight projects. The event brought together representatives from the European Commission and EU Funding Programmes, along with project partners, policy makers and stakeholders. It showcased and emphasized the value of cross-sector, cross-programme, and cross-project cooperation in tackling Europe’s diverse yet interconnected challenges. Among these is our own BEPROACT project, with a focus on advancing organizational maturity in Data Driven Asset Management for vital aging infrastructure and charting the status for timely predictive maintenance, ensuring infrastructure performs effectively and serves its intended purpose.
The event opened with inspiring welcome speeches from David Kelly (Southern Regional Assembly) and David Grzegorzewski (Interreg NWE Programme Director) and a networking session and exhibitions, where attendees could explore project stands and poster presentations. The plenary session set the stage by showcasing the real-world impact of Interreg projects, with short presentations highlighting challenges, goals, and achievements from across the region.
An insightful keynote presentation was given by John Bachtler (University of Strathclyde) on the future of EU Cohesion Policy to inspire and motivate all Interreg actors. He also touched on the results of the USA Presidential Elections and what the potential impact could be for Europe. The conclusion is: we have much work ahead of us.
There was a thrilling relay of 24 spotlight projects, showcasing their achievements and expected results with each other and newcomers to Interreg NWE. The joint presentation was given by Natalie Oonk-Abrahams (NL) and Stevie Swenne (BE). Attendees also expressed a lot of interest for the BEPROACT stand due to the Virtual Reality Experience being offered.
In the context of the EU Programme ‘Cross-Pollination/Transnational Exchange’ and the aim of finding synergies between projects, they showcased the VR Experience, which allows participants to explore innovative approaches in Data Driven Infrastructure Management. The stand was visited by, amongst others, Project Officers from the EU Interreg North Sea Programme, including Marie Martin Kjærsgaard and Jesper Jönsson. They provided valuable feedback after trying out the Virtual Reality headsets for the VR Experience.
Another notable moment was the handover of the Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure, Rijkswaterstaat Bureau Brussel Office of European Affairs’ 10-year anniversary book celebrating EU cooperation, on behalf of Eric Boessenkool, Head of Bureau Brussel Office of European Affairs. Lyke Bosma and Natalie Oonk-Abrahams from Rijkswaterstaat presented the book to EU Interreg NWE Programme Director David Grzegorzewski and his team from the Joint Secretariat. The photo captured the moment, with (left to right) Natalie Oonk-Abrahams, Sarine Barsoumian, Lyke Bosma, David Grzegorzewski, Christophe Wacquez, and Johanna März.
In the afternoon, breakout sessions took a closer look at key themes such as digitalization, climate resilience, circular economy, and fostering innovation. With the focus on collaboration, the discussions provided a platform for participants to exchange experiences, out of the box ideas and learn more about the potential for cross program and cross sector cooperation and the valuable impact this could have.
The event concluded on the second day with a reflective speech from the Programme Managing Authority representative, Anne Wetzel, on the importance of advocating for ‘our’ Interreg NWE Programme.
We wish to have a special note of thanks to the Interreg NWE Communication Officer Roxana Balan for her support before and during the Interreg NWE Annual Event.
Spotlight: The Moerdijk Bridge
One of the key highlights in the BEPROACT pitch during the spotlight session and at the stand was the Moerdijk Bridge pilot in the Netherlands, along a vital corridor between Rotterdam and Antwerp. This aging bridge faces significant wear from modern traffic (increased intensity and weight). Through BEPROACT’s innovative monitoring and proposed maintenance solutions, it serves as a blueprint for extending the lifespan of critical infrastructure while maintaining safety and useability.

What's next?
BEPROACT continues to lead the way in proactive maintenance and sustainable infrastructure. The event in Dublin reinforced the value of collaboration, innovation, and sharing knowledge to address the challenges we all face.